Garden debris pick up

Does anyone know if Maplewood is picking up grass/weed clippings this summer? If so, where do I sign up? Checked the town website and couldn’t find it. Thx!

You have to use (and sadly pay separately for) the summer grass clippings pickup through your regular garbage pick-up service (we use Waste Management). The town "only" picks up all the leaves in the fall and spring rake-out stuff over several weeks in the spring. 

Thank you for the information!

steel said:

You have to use (and sadly pay separately for) the summer grass clippings pickup through your regular garbage pick-up service (we use Waste Management). The town"only" picks up all the leaves in the fall and spring rake-out stuff over several weeks in the spring. 


PS: I just learned that I can accidentally "Like" my own post!

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