Furry Hearts Rescue needs cat litter BADLY

Furry Hearts Rescue, located inside of Puppy Love Spa on Springfield Avenue in Maplewood, is very very low on cat litter and even lower on funds.  A donation of a box/bag of litter would be greatly appreciated at this time.  Many thanks in advance.

Any specific type or brand preferred? I will pick some up at the store and drop it off this weekend.

ANY type or brand is greatly appreciated !  Thank you for your help.  Furry Hearts Rescue (at Puppy Love) is desperate for cat litter right now.

I also inquired as to type. I was told any litter is welcome, but that when they purchase it they usually buy the Pine type.

will swing by tomorrow - if they're open

Please call first, as the store is closed and they are in the process of moving to Union. There will be people there but no grooming going on so the hours may be different.

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