FOUND CAT - Well cared for Russian Blue with Rhinestone Collar found in South Orange last Wednesday - female - If she is yours please comment here with your email address or phone number and I will contact you. you must prove ownership and know the color

FOUND CAT - Well cared for Russian Blue with Rhinestone Collar found in South Orange last Wednesday - female - If she is yours please comment here with your email address or phone number and I will contact you. you must prove ownership and know the color of the collar. She is a beauty.

Did you try having a vet scan her for a chip?

Did this cat get lost again?

And the award for longest thread title goes to...

RobB said:
Did this cat get lost again?

Unless Boo Boo is transgender I don't believe it is the same cat

Freeway said:
And the award for longest thread title goes to...

Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

I'm sorry ... But I had to laugh. I'm sure some of us werethinking the same thing.

spontaneous said:

RobB said:
Did this cat get lost again?
Unless Boo Boo is transgender I don't believe it is the same cat

Wow !! It sure looks like the kitty.

I hope owner find kitty soon ...

the long title was an error which I tried to erase but couldn't.... thanks for the laugh. someone lost this beautiful cat and I am trying to find the owner. seriously, if you know someone who is missing their cat please have them comment here. thank you for passing it on. a photo will be available soon. it is a solid gray cat. young female. and no, there is no chip, she was scanned

Chocolatechip: You can edit your title, by going to the main Forum page where the discussions are listed. You'll see there an 'edit' function under your title, for you to access.

Did you post this on Facebook Swap/Meet ? I am asking because I met a woman on there who had a cat fitting your description that lives around that area. She may not be on MOL but she is certainly on the Swap. I don't remember her name or any information as I no longer belong to the Swap Group.

ellenlynn said:
Did you post this on Facebook Swap/Meet ? I am asking because I met a woman on there who had a cat fitting your description that lives around that area. She may not be on MOL but she is certainly on the Swap. I don't remember her name or any information as I no longer belong to the Swap Group.

thank you ellenlynn. can you tell me is this swap group on facebook just called Swap/Meet? I am not familiar with it and would appreciate knowing the right name to search so I can join and post the kitty. thank you for caring.

There are several swap meet soma groups. Try swap meet soma lounge. You may need to send an e-mail to request membership.

This will only work if you have a Facebook account. Just ask to join and they accept really quickly and then you can post. In the meantime, let me check my emails and see if I have anything that might help.

I found her email on Facebook and I just emailed her... I will keep the post updated.

WOW !! Received a quick answer. Her cat is a Russian Blue but it is not her cat. So the search continues.

thanks for your help ladies.

Did you take the cat into your house? It's always possible that this cat wandered a little outside of her usual stomping ground and may want to go back home. Was the cat hanging around for several days asking to be fed? Maybe she can find her way home if given a chance. Her family could have moved here recently and she's disoriented. Have you thought about posting flyers in the surrounding neighborhood? Or, maybe she was dumped.

we are posting flyers tomorrow. she was 'winged' by a car and brought to a vet for care. she is fine now and in good hands until we locate the owner. she has been posted on several facebook lost pet pages. she will be on 7 day hold then up for adoption as per NJ laws.

Were you able to join Swap/Meet SOMA? Or do the other Facebook pages cover this? How old do you think she is?

I requested to join SOMA swap and never got a response. Turns out she is only 12 weeks old. and today is the last day for owner to come forward. no reports at police station or local vets of missing kitty. we will have her fully vetted, vaxed and at some point spayed. I have a video of her coming tonight. she is up for adoption to a good home with fully proven credentials of same. thanks for caring!

collar, but no tag or microchip......the previous owners are learning a hard lesson....would a 12 week old be in heat already?

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