Forming Group to Oppose "Keepers"

I am absolutely serious about this.

I suggest an evening meeting at Parkwood Diner or maybe early morning there or at Bagel Chateau. Is anyone really interested and if so what do you think about a time and place?



David Frazier?



The Village Thinkers.....Reconnecting the Village.

Great. Gangs come to the Village.

No gangs. What is wrong with a Citizen's Group representing an opposing point of view?

No gangs. What is wrong with a Citizen's Group representing an opposing point of view?

Nothing at all - gangs should have had the smiley face.

Anyway, at this point, I would like to know more about the Republican candidate(s) for the T.C. I'm thinking that an Adams/Republican Candidate vote could be the way to go.

And I think that Fred and Greg would be pleased with this outcome as their goal was to have other points of view on the T.C.

No gangs. What is wrong with a Citizen's Group representing an opposing point of view?

I thought it was the Village Keepers who had the opposing point of view.

I'm in if you're organizing. Somewhere in the Village is good for me.

OK, I have two. Who else?

Max and NoHero, what do you think is better, early morning like 8:00 am or evening like 7:30 PM?

I prefer evening, but morning is not a deal killer.

I'm in, if you'll have me. Whatever time/place is most likely do-able.

Why wouldn't we have you?

Why wouldn't we have you?

Well, I tend to go a bit off the reservation with some of my comments, especially after a glass or two of wine. But, I do have a brain, and somewhat of a knack for tactical process, so I would be more than happy to join you. Tell me when and where.

denniss said:

Why wouldn't we have you?
Well, I tend to go a bit off the reservation with some of my comments, especially after a glass or two of wine. But, I do have a brain, and somewhat of a knack for tactical process, so I would be more than happy to join you. Tell me when and where.

Sounds like you'd be fun! I am waiting for others to indicate that they think this is a good idea. I think you are only the thread person to respond positively.

For what it's worth, I also think it's a good idea. These MOL threads have started to feel like preaching to the choir and arguing with a couple of people. Time to move the conversation beyond MOL.

I think making "who are the Village Keepers?" a central part of a Democrats for Scalera campaign might make sense, given the apparent overlap between the Lembrich campaign and VK.

mapleman said:
I think making "who are the Village Keepers?" a central part of a Democrats for Scalera campaign might make sense, given the apparent overlap between the Lembrich campaign and VK.


A good start would simply to have a number of people speak up at te next TC meeting and at every TC meeting. Requires no heavy organization. The VK/OhNo crowd has had the microphone to itself for too long.

ice said:
A good start would simply to have a number of people speak up at te next TC meeting and at every TC meeting. Requires no heavy organization. The VK/OhNo crowd has had the microphone to itself for too long.

I'm up for that

Next 3 meetings are June 16, July 7, July 21.

I just went back through only two PO threads and counted over 30 posters who you should target for this opposition to the opposition campaign. I'm sure if I went through them all, that number would increase by at least 50%. All the posters oppose the opposition or support the redevelopment process for a variety of reasons. That's significantly more than the number of people who post for the opposition. However, you should be prepared that the reasons for their opposition or support will vary widely from what I've read. You should try to find a common cause amongst them all to appeal to a wider audience that is clear and can be backed up and supported. While this "30" number is just as much no scientific reading of the views of the township as would be a statement that says anyone who voted for Greg or has a VK lawn sign wants to repurpose the post office building, it is still a sign of a significant enough "movement". Enage Maplewood started with a group of people who could fit at one persons dining room table, if that tells you anything.

I'm convinced that if you could find a charismatic figurehead who does not engage in condescending and hyperbolic behavior (online or in public), you could harness the additional energy from MOL to:

  • write some OpEd's to Village Green
  • write supportive letters to the TC, the MVA and the PB
  • start a petition
  • conduct an online poll
  • speak out at TC, MVA and PB meetings
  • etc.

Fair thee well.

Seems like what you are proposing is a floating pep rally to show support for what our elected and appointed officials are doing. Such a movement is apt to be more effective if presented as support for rather than action against any individual, group, or philosophy.

Getting the word out there that at least some of us support the TC, MVA, PB could help give our officials the confidence they need to continue what they are doing but any such action is likely to have little political impact unless the movement includes support for a write-in campaign for a known community leader who can mount a serious challenge to VK's candidate in the November election. I wonder if Jerry would be willing to continue his campaign under those conditions or if someone else with demonstrated ability would be willing to step up to the challenge.

joan_crystal said:

Getting the word out there that at least some of us support the TC, MVA, PB could help give our officials the confidence they need to continue what they are doing but any such action is likely to have little political impact unless the movement includes support for a write-in campaign for a known community leader who can mount a serious challenge to VK's candidate in the November election. I wonder if Jerry would be willing to continue his campaign under those conditions or if someone else with demonstrated ability would be willing to step up to the challenge.

Let's write in Joan Crystal!!!

I wrote that not thinking at all about the election, but merely about the PO process.

And I completely agree with your statement below. The entire "movement" should be positive, which would be in stark contrast to the negativity of the opposition.

joan_crystal said:
Such a movement is apt to be more effective if presented as support for rather than action against any individual, group, or philosophy.

It's too late for an independent candidate, unfortunately. And I doubt a bunch of Democrats will vote for a Republican candidate on this issue alone, so I don't see the point in a Democrats for Scalera approach.

But the TC could surely use a little love right about now. And so could the dozens of your friends and neighbors who poured time and expertise and care into the current proposal only to watch people spit all over it. I'd start with the current members of the planning board and the Maplewood Village Alliance (who just had their efforts repaid by being served with a lawsuit).

Actually, we could all use some love, since we'll be paying for it.

Posted by Joan: "Getting the word out there that at least some of us support the TC, MVA, PB could help give our officials the confidence they need to continue what they are doing".....Exactly. From speaking with and/or writing to TC members, I know that at least some believe there is a silent majority which favors the development. That has been my experience as well as I talk to friends and neighbors - most of whom are not politically aware or active on MOL, but most of which say they support development. The TC needs to know that their impression remains correct, and providing that reassurance is not hard. If you can write or speak, you can do it.

I've already expressed my views directly to a member of the Township Committee.

I am willing to join a campaign expressing support for the process and the urban planning benefits of the current proposal including an improved pedestrian experience on Maplewood ave because of improved vehicular connect along the tracks and a direct straight-line connection from Maplewood Ave to the train tunnell and the park beyond.

If someone with a gift for oratory (Not my strong suit) were willing to publish a standard letter of suppprt and the email address of relavent TC and PB members, I think we could get an email campaign started. It has to be easy, like cutting and pasting content into an email format and hitting send (It has to be as easy as planting a sign in your yard).

I also will endeavor to attend the next relevant TCand/or PB meeting to voice my support for the process and general support for the JMF proposal.

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