Your thread is under "Sports" right now. You missed "South Orange" by one.
nohero said:
Your thread is under "Sports" right now. You missed "South Orange" by one.![]()
Oops! Many thanks...
I did ask them for their names and recognized one or two. So unless they found FD shirts ( SO & Orange) somewhere and memorized actual firefighters names, I have no question in my mind who actually were out going door to door
For two weekends in a row several posters have reported that men/women have been going door to door all over town espousing DDFs mantra that Sheena is looking
To put us in danger by making the SOFD inadequate for the village’s needs. Who do you think these canvassers are if not State and local firefighters?
LOST said:
How do you know that they were really firefighters?
Excellent point!!!
You wouldn't mind them running their mouths if they knew what they were talking about.
librarylady said:
Scully said:So I guess I’m wondering who you think this people might be? Who stands to benefit ?
LOST said:Excellent point!!!
How do you know that they were really firefighters?
Deborah Davis Ford
basil said:
Deborah Davis Ford
and Joey D who, I understand is sponsoring D.D.F.
Formerlyjerseyjack said:
basil said:and Joey D who, I understand is sponsoring D.D.F.
Deborah Davis Ford
Why do you think Joe D is getting involved in the S.O. election?
yahooyahoo said:
Formerlyjerseyjack said:Why do you think Joe D is getting involved in the S.O. election?
basil said:and Joey D who, I understand is sponsoring D.D.F.
Deborah Davis Ford
DDF got her job as Clerk of the Essex Co. Freeholders because of Joe D. DDF is tight with Joe D. Joe D. likes to have his people in office. DDF is using the same PR firm in DC that Joe D. uses.
I've been living in SOMA for nearly 24 years and this election is by FAR the most shameful thing I've ever seen. The people posting on Facebook are being incredibly dishonest. And to be frank, it's making me reluctant to ever spend another dollar in at least one SO establishment.
ml1 said:
I've been living in SOMA for nearly 24 years and this election is by FAR the most shameful thing I've ever seen. The people posting on Facebook are being incredibly dishonest. And to be frank, it's making me reluctant to ever spend another dollar in at least one SO establishment.
How is it possible that I no longer live in NJ and don’t have a Facebook account, but I know exactly which establishment you’re talking about?
librarylady said:
So we just had THREE firefighters show up at our door. One from Orange and two from So Orange. They seem to really believe the lies that are being spread. No response to the information I gave them of DDF's (lack of ) attendance at meetings, previous votes in favor, etc. Got a little heated and they ended the (long) conversation by saying if you want our firefighters to be in the Hilton area while your house on Wyoming is burning, good luck to you. I brought up mutual aid as it currently exists to no response. We handed them Sheena's last mailer to read and learn the truth and they skedaddled off my porch. Best to keep them well occupied for a long time to minimize the homes they reach. This is all with a SHEENA sign on our lawn. Only worry is G-d forbid I do need them will they take their time to answer my call?. The young firefighter said that they will "always do their job" Hope so!
librarylady said:
So we just had THREE firefighters show up at our door. One from Orange and two from So Orange. They seem to really believe the lies that are being spread. No response to the information I gave them of DDF's (lack of ) attendance at meetings, previous votes in favor, etc. Got a little heated and they ended the (long) conversation by saying if you want our firefighters to be in the Hilton area while your house on Wyoming is burning, good luck to you. I brought up mutual aid as it currently exists to no response. We handed them Sheena's last mailer to read and learn the truth and they skedaddled off my porch. Best to keep them well occupied for a long time to minimize the homes they reach. This is all with a SHEENA sign on our lawn. Only worry is G-d forbid I do need them will they take their time to answer my call?. The young firefighter said that they will "always do their job" Hope so!
The general public does not get the "essence" of being a firefighter. You take an oath to protect "life and property" and to place your life in danger, no matter who is in need. Your home is protected by people who will die for you, period. I am a FF and 99% of my fellow firefighters take this oath very seriously. Most of us have the injuries and scars to prove it. Lay off those young guys. Impossible spot to be put in
jbird, we appreciate the service and dedication of all of our local firefighters. However, that does not make me reflexively anti consolidation, and it does not make me inclined to step back when politicians distort the facts, or send uninformed people out door to door in political campaigns. I think that the attack campaign being funded by the state-level Union is inappropriate and more concerned with politics (and perhaps overtime) than with the safety or efficiency of service provision for local taxpayers.
If your “young guys” are getting involved in campaigning, then we will judge their campaign activities as campaign activities, while still honoring their service.
susan1014 said:
jbird, we appreciate the service and dedication of all of our local firefighters. However, that does not make me reflexively anti consolidation, and it does not make me inclined to step back when politicians distort the facts, or send uninformed people out door to door in political campaigns. I think that the attack campaign being funded by the state-level Union is inappropriate and more concerned with politics (and perhaps overtime) than with the safety or efficiency of service provision for local taxpayers.
If your “young guys” are getting involved in campaigning, then we will judge their campaign activities as campaign activities, while still honoring their service.
I think jbird's point is that the Firefighter Union is in cahoots with the Joey D Machine and the rank and file guys don't have much choice in who they have to go door to door for. Dirty, dirty politics which is to say, in NJ, business as usual.
JBird, I respect and admire all of uniformed service people that take care of my house, place of work and general well being.I would never, ever want to run towards danger..I might towards a book about to fall off a table but that's it.(worst case scenario) I am proud that I can call many of them my friends. I would never go out campaigning in a shirt or other clothing that identified me as a municipal employee. And if our members are being force fed lies or half-truths or being intimidated to go door to door I am very sad. And if they are doing it of their own volition I am sadder still
I don't follow local politics closely but I did pick up and review an anti-Sheena mailer the other day. Looks like scare tactics to me. I'm voting Sheena.
Re: the ethics of boycotting commercial establishments whose politics you dislike:
Background: I lived in SO from 86-16, and early on I came to much appreciate Bunny's Pizza Buffet Lunch, as well as THD's Joes. However...
I stopped patronizing the former joint immediately after PizzaLady threw my 17-year-old & pal out of her Holiday (free to one & all) Party for no apparent reason. So one could say that politics aside, I have history with the place. The pizza sucks, too.
As to THD, I'd still get a Joe there, despite the fact that Jack & Ronny have parted company, & despite my intense dislike for the sort of politics espoused/supported by both Wonskis. The sammich is just too freaking good to buy one elsewhere. These days, though, I go in there mostly just to check on how Jack's doing (gotta love Jack)...
So: I'm not a purist. Tony & Matt's politics suck, but they're otherwise nice guys. PizzaLady, OTOH, has been a PIA for decades, politically & otherwise. She & DDF deserve each other...
soda said:
Re: the ethics of boycotting commercial establishments whose politics you dislike:
It has nothing to do with politics. It’s the blatant dishonesty and shameful lack of integrity.
ml1 said:
soda said:It has nothing to do with politics. It’s the blatant dishonesty and shameful lack of integrity.
Re: the ethics of boycotting commercial establishments whose politics you dislike:
In my case, it isn’t politics, and it isn’t a boycott. I can handle being on different sides of most issues.
However, it is uncomfortable for me to spend my time in a place that is exploiting its access to my family to feed us political ads and candidate encounters along with family dinner. So going elsewhere is a form of self-care. Seeing what the younger generation of the family is posting on Facebook makes me sad for the owner, and may make it much longer before I’m ready to give them another try. Again, it isn’t a boycott as much as a need to stay away from an environment that has made itself toxic to me. Makes me sad, because one of my kids in particular truly loves the place.
Different political views I understand but lying to win because using the truth wouldn’t favor you is something else.
I am absolutely uncomfortable about ever using those two establishments again...
susan1014 said:
In my case, it isn’t politics, and it isn’t a boycott. I can handle being on different sides of most issues.
However, it is uncomfortable for me to spend my time in a place that is exploiting its access to my family to feed us political ads and candidate encounters along with family dinner. So going elsewhere is a form of self-care. Seeing what the younger generation of the family is posting on Facebook makes me sad for the owner, and may make it much longer before I’m ready to give them another try. Again, it isn’t a boycott as much as a need to stay away from an environment that has made itself toxic to me. Makes me sad, because one of my kids in particular truly loves the place.
Exactly. Going to Bunny's just reminds me of all the shi**y political stuff they've done for years behind the scenes. Leslie has always been gracious, but I've seen the darkness behind the facade and that makes me uncomfortable. I prefer to not think about that stuff when having a beer and a pizza, so I take my business elsewhere.
jbird said:
The general public does not get the "essence" of being a firefighter. You take an oath to protect "life and property" and to place your life in danger, no matter who is in need. Your home is protected by people who will die for you, period. I am a FF and 99% of my fellow firefighters take this oath very seriously. Most of us have the injuries and scars to prove it. Lay off those young guys. Impossible spot to be put in
But is the stuff they are promoting in their best interest?
Reminds me of the Secaucus municipal truck I saw with the Teabagger, Gadsen Flag type bumper sticker on it. Some horses *** employee is probably a suporter of the Tea Party. He doesn't realize the organization wants to reduce his pension, increase his health care contribution, abolish salary increases and probably privatize his job for less money.
Same with this election. What is Joe D. gonna do for these firemen?
Scully said:
Different political views I understand but lying to win because using the truth wouldn’t favor you is something else.
I am absolutely uncomfortable about ever using those two establishments again...
I don't even live in SO, and the election is non-partisan, so for me it's not political at all. It's about doing crappy unethical stuff.
RobB said:
ml1 said:How is it possible that I no longer live in NJ and don’t have a Facebook account, but I know exactly which establishment you’re talking about?
I've been living in SOMA for nearly 24 years and this election is by FAR the most shameful thing I've ever seen. The people posting on Facebook are being incredibly dishonest. And to be frank, it's making me reluctant to ever spend another dollar in at least one SO establishment.
can somebody share the two establishments in question here? Boycotting is a lot easier if you know who
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So we just had THREE firefighters show up at our door. One from Orange and two from So Orange. They seem to really believe the lies that are being spread. No response to the information I gave them of DDF's (lack of ) attendance at meetings, previous votes in favor, etc. Got a little heated and they ended the (long) conversation by saying if you want our firefighters to be in the Hilton area while your house on Wyoming is burning, good luck to you. I brought up mutual aid as it currently exists to no response. We handed them Sheena's last mailer to read and learn the truth and they skedaddled off my porch. Best to keep them well occupied for a long time to minimize the homes they reach. This is all with a SHEENA sign on our lawn. Only worry is G-d forbid I do need them will they take their time to answer my call?. The young firefighter said that they will "always do their job" Hope so!