Female pediatric surgeon

Teen daughter needs very minor (out patient) surgery on a, ahem, delicate and private area. She would prefer a female surgeon. We have a male surgeon we have used in the past who is our backup plan, but if anyone has the name of a female pediatric surgeon I would appreciate it. Google wasn't much help on this, nor was the referring doctor (they tried but the names they gave me didn't pan out).


If this is "ahem" an gynecological problem does it have to be a pediatric specialist since she is a teen. Dr. Klachko would likely be fabulous, no longer doing obstetrics, just gyn, including surgical procedures...

Thanks. We've been to a gyn who sent us elsewhere. May try Dr. Klachko anyway if we don't get a referral

have you tried other OBGYNs? is it an obgyn issue or just something like a cyst in a private area..the type of surgery will determine the type of doc...i don't think there is a general 'pediatric surgery' specialty that covers EVERY type of surgery....it may be limited to specific types of surgery...some things may require a specialist in the area...it would be based on the need such as neuro, gyn, etc

Actually there is a "pediatric surgery" specialty, as my kid has used one (who is a member of a pediatric surgery group at Atlantic Health) for an unrelated issue.

The pediatrician sent us to a gyn, the gyn sent us to a dermatologist, the derm want to send us to a preferably female pediatric surgeon but the names they gave us are in the Atlantic Health group and are all male (they thought one was female based on the first name).

Anyway I may check back with the gyn and/or other gyns to see if they will do the procedure, but my feeling from that visit was no.

But if someone has the name of a female pediatric surgeon I'd appreciate it!

If you aren't able to find a pediatric surgeon, i can happily (ahem) vouch for Daria Klachko, mother of teen girls, and her amazing, speedy outpatient surgery skills.

i would check with other dermatologists then

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