Facts Matter

There's a new group in town.

Check our website: www.VillageFacts.org.

Hope to see everyone tomorrow at our booth in Maplewoodstock: #026.

Thanks to everyone who made this possible.

Thank you, Paul. This is excellent.

I forgot to mention, that if you stop at our booth, you'll get a free "Facts Matter" button.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant!

I applaud the efforts of this organization.

The "Fact Sheet" is thorough and offers references.

I'm sure countless hours have been donated to creating this organization and website. I'm sure there are also financial costs to creating and hosting websites, etc.

I would like to financially support this effort.

What is the best method for submitting donations?

I especially appreciate the comments from Joe Pepe. He has been active in historic preservation for a long time and is a very experienced architect. I know Joe personally and can assert with confidence that he is no knee-jerk supporter of development for the sake of development and he is certainly not an uncritical supporter of the T.C.

alias said:
Sunlight is the best disinfectant!
I applaud the efforts of this organization.
The "Fact Sheet" is thorough and offers references.
I'm sure countless hours have been donated to creating this organization and website. I'm sure there are also financial costs to creating and hosting websites, etc.
I would like to financially support this effort.
What is the best method for submitting donations?

We will have a donation can at our Maplewoodstock table.

Thi s is great. Than


If you email me at villagegreennj@gmail.com, we can do a story. I'm interested to know if you're incorporating, whose involved, what's next, etc.

Mary Mann

Thank you for doing this, I am so fed up with the sheer amount of misinformation that has been and continues to be circulated and repeated.

I think the group should use the CHS Alumni Association Facebook page to solicit donations...its only fair.

Thank you so much Paul. Somebody forwarded me your site link via email already - I think this effort will be welcomed by many. I'll be putting a rather large donation in the can this weekend.

Paul - do donations need to be in cash this weekend, or are you accepting checks as well?

ice said:
Paul - do donations need to be in cash this weekend, or are you accepting checks as well?

To be clear, we are only asking for donations to help defray the costs of this event, nothing more.

Ah, planning to use the truth instead of money. Well played. Someone should tell Profeta about that. grin

http://villagegreennj.com/towns/government/villagefacts-org-launched-combat-misinformation-post-office-development/ Wow that was quick.

Well, I am all for freedom of speech and dissemination of ideas, but it seems to me that this was the type of effort that would have been needed many months ago.

We are at the point where citizen input just does not count. The courts are not going to be looking at pictures or asking any questions germane to the points being raised now

Like I said..... there is no harm to be done but anything having to do with the proposed building

is out of the hands of the citizenry......Unless there are more court suits in the works.

The court is not deciding whether the building gets built. The court is deciding how much of an extra PITA it will be to get the building built... If what you say is true, then why is Fred out begging for money from CHS alumni?

ice said:
The court is not deciding whether the building gets built. The court is deciding how much of an extra PITA it will be to get the building built.

And neither is the citizenry deciding anything. Or did I miss the referendum.

Author, you arguably are the most active and prolific poster on this subject on this board, yet when someone else starts a way to distribute information, you're against it.

You live in an apartment building in the village, but are against others building and living in a new apartment building in the village.

You talk admiringly of the merchants in the village, but regarding a plan enabling more merchants to work in the village, you're against that.

It's all pretty incredible.

author said:

ice said:
The court is not deciding whether the building gets built. The court is deciding how much of an extra PITA it will be to get the building built.
And neither is the citizenry deciding anything. Or did I miss the referendum.

I guess you aren't interested in answering the question that you omitted from your response to ice.

I'll add it back in now...

If what you say is true, then why is Fred out begging for money from CHS alumni?

Author - apparently you and Fred, and many others did indeed miss the 'referendum', back when the TC was formally, and quite publicly, seeking input on the project. I'm sorry, but it was you who missed it, not me.

apple44 said:
Author, you arguably are the most active and prolific poster on this subject on this board, yet when someone else starts a way to distribute information, you're against it.
You live in an apartment building in the village, but are against others building and living in a new apartment building in the village.
You talk admiringly of the merchants in the village, but regarding a plan enabling more merchants to work in the village, you're against that.
It's all pretty incredible.

^^^^ This.

apple44 said:
Author, you arguably are the most active and prolific poster on this subject on this board, yet when someone else starts a way to distribute information, you're against it.
You live in an apartment building in the village, but are against others building and living in a new apartment building in the village.
You talk admiringly of the merchants in the village, but regarding a plan enabling more merchants to work in the village, you're against that.
It's all pretty incredible.

Did you read my first statement? I am all for whatever distributing information people care to do.

I am just saying that the we are past the stage in the debate where this information matters.

The building is scheduled to be built. Baring some unforeseen circumstance it will be. So what is there to discuss. I have no problem with any of it except the horse it out of the barn and now it is a matter of discussion?

Yes I am opposed to the building of the largest entity in Maplewood Village. Look at the literature........it is just a little taller, just a little wider, just a little this and that. Hey add up the justs and you have one large building way out of character with the rest of the Villlage

If you would talk to the merchants of the Village as we all have you would see how very much they are opposed to this beast and have spent their time and energies in working with us.

Yes I am pretty incredible as evidenced by my four year old grandson who loves to sword fight with his grandfather.

ice said:
Author - apparently you and Fred, and many others did miss the 'referendum', back when the TC was formally, and quite publicly, seeking input on the project. I'm sorry, but it was you who missed it, not me.

^^^^^ and This.

Posted by Author: "If you would talk to the merchants of the Village as we all have you would see how very much they are opposed to this beast and have spent their time and energies in working with us."....yeah they supported you with 30 VK signs (by your own account), and as the volumes of misinformation have been exposed, and the lawsuit has been disclosed, those 30 signs have dwindled to 8 or 10 (out of about 77 businesses total). At some point, your claim of strong support from village merchants should be re-evaluated. In any event, many of those opposed are simply trying to limit competition, which is not in the interest of everyday Maplewood residents like you and me. OK, like me, since I don't live next door to the site.

ArchBroad said:

ice said:
Author - apparently you and Fred, and many others did miss the 'referendum', back when the TC was formally, and quite publicly, seeking input on the project. I'm sorry, but it was you who missed it, not me.
^^^^^ and This.

Oh cat fat. I was at the meetings. The only iinformation , the only discussion that was allowed was periphery

stuff like the shape of the windows ........the exterior building materials ......the set backs etc.

There was not a word allowed that did not deal with the Kings Folly building to be erected exactly as proposed.

Of course Kings had other ideas but that is another matter.

Im glad Kings isn't moving. Their building suits me just fine for what it is. I'd much rather the five new retail spaces be occupied by new, exciting businesses rather than cramming them into the existing Kings building. Actually a big improvement in my view.

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