Experience with Hackensack Hospital? especially for joint replacement?

Going to need a total knee replacement someday soon. Saw a great doc in Paramus today. He operates at Hackensack Hospital. Just wondering if anyone has any experience there? Thanks!

Carol Anne

Hartzband is a great doc and has tons of experience doing knees. My only concern is if his practice has become a factory.

I saw Klein there. He was great. He says I should do surgery whenever I am ready, but he won't push me into it and will help me put it off until I'm ready if that is what I want.

Don't know Klein, but I have to assume Hartzband wouldn't have him as apartner if he weren't good. HUMC is an excellent facility with excellent physicians.

My mom had 2 huge surgeries over the past 2 years at Hackensack and was a patient there for a couple of months on the Ortho floor. I was very impressed by the hospital, the doctors, the nurses and the staff. I would definitely recommend it. The only downside is that it is a hike from Maplewood.

Hackensack Hospital is so much nicer (from an aesthetic/physical standpoint) than most hospitals in the tri-state region that it makes me want to learn more about how it came to be this way.

In my experience (which is several years old), parking can be a big PIA.

Thanks Everyone. This is very encouraging

Please consider HSS in NYC for second opinions. They're out of this world

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