Dog left in car

This really makes my blood boil. I passed a car in South Orange and saw a dog in a car. The window was opened a crack. The dog was barking. I was about to call the Police Department when the owner came. I told her, in a nice way, how stupid she was.

Cars--even with the window opened a crack--can reach dangerous temperatures and can be deadly for a pet.

So, in the future, who do I report this to in South Orange and in Maplewood?


Bust the window and save the animal or child. Then call 911. That's what I would do.

4:22-17. Cruelty; disorderly persons offense

a. It shall be unlawful to:

(1) Overdrive, overload, drive when overloaded, overwork, abuse, or needlessly kill a living animal or creature;

(2) Cause or procure, by any direct or indirect means, including but not limited to through the use of another living animal or creature, any of the acts described in paragraph (1) of this subsection to be done;

(3) Inflict unnecessary cruelty upon a living animal or creature, by any direct or indirect means, including but not limited to through the use of another living animal or creature; or leave the living animal or creature unattended in a vehicle under inhumane conditions adverse to the health or welfare of the living animal or creature ; or

(4) Fail, as the owner or as a person otherwise charged with the care of a living animal or creature, to provide the living animal or creature with necessary care.

Above excerpted from">

Also see this site">

Since Essex County does not seem to have its own SPCA I would call the Local police. Here is another except from the animal law website. [Note, I am no lawyer, I'm just cobbling this info together.]

4:22-11.12. Assistance by governmental entities to humane law enforcement officers and agents All State, county, and municipal law enforcement agencies and all county and municipal health agencies shall, upon request, make every reasonable effort to assist the humane law enforcement officers and agents of a county society for the prevention of cruelty to animals or the New Jersey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in the enforcement of all laws and ordinances enacted for the protection of animals.

Most people have no idea how FAST the temperature can reach dangerous levels. I think I would probably (a) call the police and (b) hang out until either the police got there or the owner came back. If the dog started showing signs of distress, I might even consider breaking the window as IrvingtonPirate suggested.

ParticleMan said:" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

If I get arrested for saving a life, so be it. There is no way I could stand idly by and watch and animal or baby suffer and possibly die. This veteran did the right thing. God bless him.

IP, the charges were dropped.

ParticleMan said:
IP, the charges were dropped.

Oh, I know that. What I meant was that getting arrested, whether charges would eventually be dropped or not, would not in any way deter me from saving a life. I know some people are afraid of what might happen if they bust someone's window. I'm more afraid of what would happen if I didn't.

irvingtonpirate said:

ParticleMan said:
IP, the charges were dropped.
Oh, I know that. What I meant was that getting arrested, whether charges would eventually be dropped or not, would not in any way deter me from saving a life. I know some people are afraid of what might happen if they bust someone's window. I'm more afraid of what would happen if I didn't.

Indeed! Well said!

In Tennessee, people that break into a car to save an animal will have the law on their side,starting in July. Hopefully other states will follow!

Nice! Maybe that will teach pet owners that they can't leave the dog in the car, no matter how many windows they "crack." And hopefully it will result in fewer tragic deaths.

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