does anyone know when the BOT plans to fix the audio problem re the BOT meetings

It is been quite a while since there has been channel 44 audio for the BOT meetings.  Does anyone know why this is not been fixed?

How do you know the problem is not with FIOS and their crappy service?

Audio from the meetings of surrounding towns are fine.

But then you would know what is being said.

The lack of comments on this issue until now says quite a bit about how interested SO residents are in the BOT.

The same folks or equivalents keep being voted in and few people follow what they do. I've pretty much stopped discussing Village matters because most of my fellow citizens have no idea as to what I am talking about. I do continue to vote because, if nothing else, walking is good exercise.

I would be much more confident in Village Government if Rob Sandow and Nureed Saeed had been elected.

what specific positions did they take that appealed to you?

Or people do care, and do go to meetings, and do ask questions, but just don't watch it on TV.  

Most meetings are routine and boring to the point of tedium. Only a few actually address issues with wide impact. 

I don't know about this particular BOT but at one time the BOT pulled sneaky tricks in the summer when most people are on vacay...

One of the go-to moves in the BOT Play Book is to keep adjourning hearing matters the BOT wants passed until interested citizens voicing opposition stop showing up. When the matter is passed, the Board says that if people were interested in another outcome, then they should have showed up at the meeting.

Sandow and Saeed appear to be smart concerned citizens for whom transparency is an integral part of effective government.  

Although I haven't viewed in quite some time, I also have FIOS and when I viewed BOE meetings, many times the audio was off and made it extremely difficult to hear. I see nothing has really changed.

The issue is with Verizon and the IT Dept. has been working with them.  Our live stream online is working fine (in real time), all videos are posted within 48 hours, Cablevision is working fine as well.  I don't know what former BOT "Play Books" entailed, but if there's a specific issue of transparency, I'm happy to address it here.  "Big Items" aren't thrown on the agenda at the last minute.  Those items have public forums and make their ways through several committees, get deliberated on and then are voted on as well.  So generalizations don't help me improve upon how I run meetings and share information with the public.  If folks have suggestions, I'm completely open to them. 

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