Disposing of Air Conditioners?

I have some portable AC units that have to be destroyed as a condition of a recall.  Does anyone know how I can get rid of them?

I'm fairly certain that you can just drop them off at the Maplewood DPW yard on Newark Way. I believe they sell them for scrap and there is usually a few of them piled there.

You can bring them on bulk drop-off days for sure.  I don't know if they take them any time.

The next electronics recycling day is Dec 16 at the South Orange recycling center (for both SO and Maplewood residents). 

Like Steel said - Unless things have changed you can bring them to the recycling center located at 359 Boyden Ave. Anytime they are open. Phone number is. 973-762-1175.

I guess I should have said, -"near Newark Way on Boyden".

I am sure they knew where you meant.

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