Dear South Orange - Will you help your neighboring town?

Maplewood Village is in NJ Monthly's Downtown Showdown, a competition that started with 16 downtowns and is now among 8 in the state. We won the first round against Summit and in Round 2 we are up against Princeton. Cougars vs. Tigers!

Please support your neighbors by voting for Maplewood Village as Best Downtown. You can vote until noon on Monday, September 14th.

We will be there for South Orange in the future.

Thanks for your consideration.

Maplewood Mayor Vic De Luca

Me too. In both rounds...

I've pony'ed up, Vic. cheese

Let's put the merger back on the table and I'll consider it oh oh

michaelgoldberg said:
I've pony'ed up, Vic. <img src=">

I got that.

vicdeluca said:
We will be there for South Orange in the future.

Could you be a bit more specific?

^^ For example, many Maplewood residents recently voted for the South Orange Rescue Squad in their competition to receive a much needed grant from State Farm. That was probably a much more meaningful contest than the one for best downtown now being run by Kings through New Jersey Monthly Magazine. That said, if you happen to think Maplewood has a better downtown than Princeton currently does and if you have a few seconds in which to click on the link and cast a vote, I am sure Vic would appreciate it if you did so.

Trans_Parent said:

vicdeluca said:
We will be there for South Orange in the future.
Could you be a bit more specific?

Oh, come on. A rising tide raises all ships and all that.

joan_crystal said:
^^ For example, many Maplewood residents recently voted for the South Orange Rescue Squad in their competition to receive a much needed grant from State Farm.

It was much appreciated and we have been voting for Maplewood in this contest as well.

joan_crystal said:
^^ For example, many Maplewood residents recently voted for the South Orange Rescue Squad in their competition to receive a much needed grant from State Farm. That was probably a much more meaningful contest than the one for best downtown now being run by Kings through New Jersey Monthly Magazine. That said, if you happen to think Maplewood has a better downtown than Princeton currently does and if you have a few seconds in which to click on the link and cast a vote, I am sure Vic would appreciate it if you did so.

Let's not discuss how many calls SO Rescue handles for Maplewood vs. how many Maplewood personnel handle for SO without even a cent of a contribution from Maplewood.

Vote for Downtown Maplewood! I did!!! (back to the subject at hand, please!)

What if I like Princeton's downtown better?

Abstain from voting smile

Roland said:
What if I like Princeton's downtown better?

I will start another thread but here is one way Maplewoodians can pay it forward. VOTE for our Village President

I'll start a new thread later but thought this might be a good place to begin!

LL_ said:
I will start another thread but here is one way Maplewoodians can pay it forward. VOTE for our Village President

Yes, the title is Village President, not Mayor... How about some respect, politickernj?

BTW: For a moment, before I read the list, I was actually worried that Mayor Torpey was named there instead of the REAL ITEM...


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