Daffodil bowl at the Summit Arboretum

Not a great picture but you get the idea.  Seems to be peak right now. Never mind!  I can't upload the picture at all!

jeff - email it to me and I'll look into why it didn't post.  jamie@maplewoodonline.com

I've seen this area in bloom and it is every bit as wonderful as you say!

Let's see if this works.

Jeff - maybe you didn't wait long enough for the upload.  After the upload - the file name will appear.

Thanks, Jamie.  That wasn't it though.  Maybe if I used Google Chrome instead of IE?jamie said:Jeff - maybe you didn't wait long enough for the upload.  After the upload - the file name will appear. 

I use firefox - I think on IE we may have a bug with uploading more then 1 at a time.

Trying on Google Chrome.  The bowl reminds me on this scene in Big Fish.

jamie, I tried to upload a few at a time using IE and it didn't work for me. I didn't post about it because I figured you had enough other issues that were more critical to deal with. But, yes, my experience bears out what you said.

We love the daffodil bowl and make sure to see it every spring!

Here's one I took last weekend: 

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