Crowdsourcing casual dinner menu for 6

I would like to come up with a fall menu for six hungry travelers. Not fancy but festive, fall theme a plus, bonus points for lamb. (Most of us are heading to Rhinebeck for the NY State Sheep and Wool Festival.) I have all day to cook.

This is one of my favorites but I don't know if I can find Sichuan peppercorns in time.

Lamb chili with lentils, Jerusalem lamb shawarma, and other recipes here:

The Sichuan peppercorns probably can be found at the Asian supermarket in Springfield. In the mall at intersection of Mountain Ave and Morris Ave.

I have a lamb curry recipe that makes a big dutch oven full of creamy, pink-sauced, flavorful goodness! As with most things it is even better if it can be made in the morning and reheated at the end of the day grin Send me a PM if you are interested.

Thank you for the reminder! I almost forgot about that place.

mrmaplewood said:

The Sichuan peppercorns probably can be found at the Asian supermarket in Springfield. In the mall at intersection of Mountain Ave and Morris Ave.

How about: after a cool day outdoors- welcome guests with a hot Irish coffee

rack of lamb,

baked accorn squash- stuffed with (lumpy)mashed potatoes for serving, or herbal rice

steamed broc + cauliflower.

Not trying to thread-drift, but which day are you going?

zucca said:

Not trying to thread-drift, but which day are you going?

Saturday! You?

There is a groundswell for paella on the grill, which with a salad covers most of the food groups. Would merguez work or should I just stick to chorizo?

My sister is bringing dessert. What should I serve first? And red or white with a chicken/seafood/chorizo/saffron dish?

I think Sunday. Have fun and eat well!

can't beat a roasted leg of lamb-roast with rosemary & potatoes, onions and carrots in the pan.

You'll let us know how it turns out, right?

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