Cigarette businesses

Walking in downtown Maplewood, as I do often, it's hard to miss that there are a few business where the employees smoke and leave large quantities of butts on the ground. I'm not including the food and drink establishment that has an ashtray outside. 

To those businesses, I want to say that this is nasty. At least put an ashtray out there, or go out with a broom from time to time. It's gross and makes downtown look dumpy.

I have complained on the internet. The end.

It is litter and the employees or the businesses should clean up the butts. I am concerned about the loose sidewalk pavers, specifically the pavers located on the west side of the avenue between Highland and Inwood Place. I don't know who is responsible for repairing the sidewalk, but right now it is an accident waiting to happen and a potential liability for the businesses and our town.

At PetSmart in Millburn, several employees (including the manger) smoke right near the front doors and the "Do not smoke" sign. It's kinda ridiculous. 

We pick up after our dogs.  Why can't we learn to pick-up after ourselves?

I care enough about the health and well being of others to be strongly opposed to anyone smoking and wish everyone who does smoke would be able to quit immediately. 

Realistically, I recognize that smoking is highly addictive and the number of public locations in which smokers can feed their addiction becomes more limited each day. I especially hate it when persons smoke directly in front of the entrance to a public establishment frequented by non-smokers.  Unfortunately, in an area such as the Village where business entrances are packed close together and wider spaces nearby have already been designated as no-smoking zones, there is little choice as to where someone can smoke legally.  If someone must smoke, I agree they should either use an ash tray or pick up their butt after extinguishing it and carry the butt back inside for disposal.

My absolute favorite.

Lobby: Unlit cigarette in mouth, lighter in hand.

When the left hand touches the door, the right hand sparks the lighter. When the back flap of the door closes, cigarette is lit.

Then, coming back in. One last drag, drop cigarette on ground (sometimes inside the door, sometimes out, seemingly at random). Hotbox your compartment of the revolving door and go to work.

joan_crystal said:

We pick up after our dogs.  Why can't we learn to pick-up after ourselves?

I care enough about the health and well being of others to be strongly opposed to anyone smoking and wish everyone who does smoke would be able to quit immediately. 

Realistically, I recognize that smoking is highly addictive and the number of public locations in which smokers can feed their addiction becomes more limited each day. I especially hate it when persons smoke directly in front of the entrance to a public establishment frequented by non-smokers.  Unfortunately, in an area such as the Village where business entrances are packed close together and wider spaces nearby have already been designated as no-smoking zones, there is little choice as to where someone can smoke legally.  If someone must smoke, I agree they should either use an ash tray or pick up their butt after extinguishing it and carry the butt back inside for disposal.

Fully agree.  It is a horrible filthy disgusting habit made that much worse by the constant littering.  If people have to smoke then at least clean up after yourself.   

I honestly don't care if people smoke, I just think these businesses should objectively look at the mess right outside their entrances. I guess I already said this! 

Saw a guy this afternoon, standing in front of a business for whom he worked, smoking, and flipped is cigarette but right on the brick sidewalk when he finished. Really agree with all the above the businesses should police themselves.

westfield just put these really cool, little cigarette disposal thingies all along the main town area. They attach to the light poles. Not sure a I saw a lot of cigarette butts before but really don't notice any now. I think thy get recycled somehow too. 

Just returned from Berlin.  Loads of ashtrays everywhere outside.

In Frankfurt, along the Zeil, I've seen folks walk clear across the street just to put one out in a receptacle, then walk back.  Then again, even if some don't, there are street sweepers going through every (?) night.  Spotless.

In front of the building where I work, there are designated smoking areas and designated non-smoking areas (right in front of the building). On many many occasions, I've seen people sitting on the pedestal of the statue smoking--the statue that's right between the two no smoking signs.

I have always disliked smoking, more so after my husband and some dear friends died of lung cancer, but the thing that gets me is how rude smokers can be. You don't live in a bubble, have some courtesy.

American smokers can be slobs.  I still can't believe people throw their cigarette butts out the car window.

ctrzaska said:

In Frankfurt, along the Zeil, I've seen folks walk clear across the street just to put one out in a receptacle, then walk back.  Then again, even if some don't, there are street sweepers going through every (?) night.  Spotless.

OhHenry said:

Walking in downtown Maplewood, as I do often, it's hard to miss that there are a few business where the employees smoke and leave large quantities of butts on the ground. I'm not including the food and drink establishment that has an ashtray outside. 

To those businesses, I want to say that this is nasty. At least put an ashtray out there, or go out with a broom from time to time. It's gross and makes downtown look dumpy.

I have complained on the internet. The end.

May I just say that Highland Place was terrible about this issue?  What was supposed to be a plantar box outside, very frequently overflowing with cigarette butts and a bit of other trash.  Butts next to it on the ground.

I don't know how much of it came from employees vs. patrons, but it was gross.  I mentioned it once - nicely - to the manager, who didn't seem to appreciate my comment much.

I think it's odd that some smokers think that flicking a cigarette butt on the ground is not littering. 

skadave said:

I think it's odd that some smokers think that flicking a cigarette butt on the ground is not littering. 

Agreed   But I also see this in other countries.   Including France and Italy.  

In France, flicking the cigarette has been turned into an art.

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