CHS Robotics Team Heading to State Championship Tournament -- Fundraising efforts

The Achieve Foundation has helped the CHS Robotics Team 4102 by setting up a GoFundMe account (see the lnik below.) The trip -- given the short notice we have -- will be quite expensive and there is little funding we can expect from the District. The team will ask other organizations, parents will chip in, and the team will do a variety of other efforts like can drives. We are sending 13 seniors to St. Louis and it is a remarkable group of young men and women!

I set this up as a separate thread so as to focus on the one topic of fundraising.

So far the GoFundMe site is doing very well -- almost $2k raised in 1 day!

JUDE - I posted this on the Columbia High School Families' FaceBook page...good luck!

Thank you!!!

Climbing up over $2300!!

Over $3k already with some very generous donations!!!!

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