CBT practitioners at SMG?

I see that Summit Medical Group has a Cognitive Therapy Center with a bunch of therapists who are accepting new patients. Can anyone recommend any of the folks there? Looking for something short term that will be covered by insurance, but would love a personal recommendation. Thanks!

Trying this again - anyone?

I used to see Elizabeth Nikol at SMG. She was easy to talk to and greatly helped me deal with my anxiety issues. My only complaint is that it was difficult to get appointments, so if you do start using a therapist at SMG I suggest booking a few appointments in advance. My problem was I didn't want to go regularly so when I felt the urge to go it wasn't always easy to get an appointment. I think they are so busy because they are one of the few centers that take insurance. Most therapists do not accept any insurance plans, which really limits choices.

Thanks nygirl - of course, she's one of the only ones not taking new patients. I do like her bio though.

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