Car Lease Deals?

We'll be in the market for a new mid size car soon. Our lease is up at the end of the year but we don't want to break it early as a new Honda lease is too much $$$ for us... although I do love the reliability of our Honda CR V (and the sales guy did offer to pay the rest of the lease - about $1200 - and to waive the penalty for passing it in early.)

What have people experienced in terms of recent car lease deals? Or what advice do you have? We want to put down as little as possible obviously... we can wait until the end of December and wondering if anyone has found good deals with dealerships trying to unload end of year models?

Any advice appreciated. Thanks. lists lease deals every month. If you're leasing, any new car will be reliable - Hondas reliability only matters when you're at 100,000 miles - which you'll never hit during a lease!

Thanks peteglider. I wasn't aware that had that...

peteglider said: lists lease deals every month. If you're leasing, any new car will be reliable - Hondas reliability only matters when you're at 100,000 miles - which you'll never hit during a lease!

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