Can you raise backyard chickens in south orange

Does anyone know if it is legal to raise backyard chickens for eggs in south orange? Thanks!

Nope. Only Maplewood, and you need a permit.

And a great sense of humour! ;-)

Read the title of this thread too quickly as backward chickens.

author said:

Read the title of this thread too quickly as backward chickens.

Only good forward thinking chickens allowed.

Only if your backyard is in Maplewood.

These guys are really tough to raise.

Looked it up a while ago. You can hatch/care for chickens in South Orange (think school project), but after a certain age (maybe 6 to 8 months), you are no longer able to keep them. The Village didn't always have a prohibition against "fowl".

Had a neighbor who kept a couple of big parrots and a cage of guinea hens out back that sometimes roamed (I'm sure they kept down the ticks in the wooded areas behind the yards). Never a problem.

If you want to keep them (I'm saying maybe 2 to 4 hens max), petition the Village or find a friendly Trustee to help change the ordinance. You won't be able to keep Roosters (they crow) and would have to keep them in a pen and as clean as pets you would have in your house.

Believe it or not many years ago chickens were allowed in SO. There were a number of Italian people living on Church St.They had wonderful vegetable gardens and chickens. You could buy a fresh-killed chicken,so fresh that you could see it happen. There was the headless chicken running around the yard, An alarming sight for a child(me).

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