Bye-Bye Public Schools

I'm sure you have all heard by now that even the odious Michelle Rhee was not evil enough to destroy public schools for Donald Trump. But, no worry, he found an even bigger monster, Betsy DeVos. She's so bad, her plans for school priviatizaton bypass charter schools and go right to vouchers (although she supports charter schools as long as there is no oversight). Can you imagine what will happen to this school district if we have to pay a voucher for every student who decides to go to private school (including relgious and home school, etc)?

If you read the book, Dark Money (and you should), you will see lots of ink devoted to the DeVos family, along with the Koch Brothers. I'm sure there will be more written in the comming days, but here are some articles to get you started.

I'm not defending her, but education seems to be far more of a state and local issue than federal. Can she force vouchers on us if we don't want them?

I don't see why not. We have Common Core from the feds, which she supports and he promised to end. Looks like that might be another broken campaign promise for Trump.

Edited to add this NYTs opinion piece that does point out the difficulties she might have.®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=0&referer=

All of his appointments scare me but this one and Carson are absolutely terrifying And Sessions let's not forget our attorney general

wait. How is Common Core from the Feds? It was created by the states, wasn't it?

Anyway, the Ed department can't force charter schools on districts, but they can incentivize them with big block grants to the state - perfect for paying the education reform grifters.

nan said:

I don't see why not. We have Common Core from the feds, which she supports and he promised to end. Looks like that might be another broken campaign promise for Trump.

Edited to add this NYTs opinion piece that does point out the difficulties she might have.®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well&_r=0&" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

Common Core was created by the odious Bill Gates and then forced into adoption by the states by the Feds. Ironically, people are all up in arms about Trump's pick for Ed Secretary, but were asleep at the wheel for 8 years while Obama's appointments were almost as bad. (Obama seems to get a free pass on some other bad neoliberal policies and procedures, but I digress).

yeah, I'm just not seeing where the Feds played a role in forcing it on the states.

and to be fair, Arne Duncan was pretty much been savaged by the left.

nan said:

Common Core was created by the odious Bill Gates and then forced into adoption by the states by the Feds. Ironically, people are all up in arms about Trump's pick for Ed Secretary, but were asleep at the wheel for 8 years while Obama's appointments were almost as bad. (Obama seems to get a free pass on some other bad neoliberal policies and procedures, but I digress).

and jesus, if you're gonna waste a word like "odious" on Bill Gates, of all people (who has probably done more to help people of the world in various ways through his charity than probably anyone else currently on the planet), what in god's name do you have reserved for people like Trump?

Arne Duncan had "Race to the Top" which was "Race to the Trough" States had to accept Common Core (with a carrot and stick approach), although it was supposed to be voluntary. Yes, I think Bill Gates is odious. He did not know squat about education but decided he needed to save it without being asked. Gates should have stayed with his computers. He's as bad as Trump in his way. Obama's education policies were a neoliberal nightmare. People gave him a pass on that and his support for the TPP and some other things, and now he's pardoning turkeys instead of helping the Native Americans. Should not assume the people you like are also good.

Let's not talk about Obama's use of drones.

what is wrong with Common Core standards (as opposed to the testing and unaligned curricula)?

The head guy at ETS wrote the CC standards with little or no teacher imput. They ignore developmental issues. Kindergarten is now like first or second grade used to be. That's just part of the problem .

okay, they start too young. From what I've read, they really seem to make some sense. The testing and unaligned curricula are a different story.

Another problem with the Common Core is that it allows the government to ratchet up the testing and pit states against each other. It contributes to the corporatization of schools since the inappropriate tests help undermine local confidence in the schools. So it helps lead to teaching to the test and mistrust in teacher autonomy.


Aside from all the digressions, the title of the thread may indeed be accurate.

Yes, we shall see. Ironically, she might destroy public schools and keep Common Core, one of the few good things Trump said he was going to do. He will probably do a turnaround on TPP, also.

wow, DeVos might actually be a better choice than the guy who was originally asked. Jerry Falwell Jr.

and I still don't understand how Trump can get rid of Common Core when it's not a federal thing.

drummerboy said:

and I still don't understand how Trump can get rid of Common Core when it's not a federal thing.

Threaten to withhold federal funds for states/districts that adhere to Common Core. Your problem is that you are trying to approach this thing with reason. That won't work with Trump.

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