best not-crazy-expensive Saturday night dinner in 20 min radius of soma/mapso?

Am drawing a blank. Would like to try something new. Thinking Summit? What do you like, o hivemind?

Fin on Maple Street in Summit

Amused said:

Fin on Maple Street in Summit

Fin in Summit is great, but the Fin in Montclair has a better atmosphere.

I have not yet tried it, but I've heard great things about Ani Ramen in Montclair. 

Also in Montclair:  Samba, Mesob

Roosterspin in Westfield

Ani Ramen has great ramen.

However, not a place for a leisurely meal. You'll be in and out in 45 minutes, no dessert, to doggie bags (unless you bring your own containers) and be there before they open if you don't want to wait (no reservations).

Roosterspin. yum! Great fried chicken and most everything was very good. I'm going to have to go back now...

if you want Italian..a lot of people like Cioffi's in Union (not springfield)...although I have only been in the take out section...i think the sit down area is somewhat fancy, but not coat and tie fancy

Moonshine in Millburn is phenomenal and reasonable.   Unique dishes.

Thanks, will try many of these in the future! Based on an earlier thread, we ended up at Stone House in Warren. Didn't see the bill but it was probably closer to crazy expensive, but man, very very good food, lovely decor, and we want to go back for the summer outdoor scenery/smores bag/water table. 

Definitely closer to crazy expensive... Glad you had a good time...

Verjus in Mplwd...


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