August ... The Whales of August

Various sites in New Jersey

I love the richness of the colours, JJ.

We had this one visit for about an hour one day just flirting from flower to flower.

They were all over the field yesterday. Also Monarchs were in force yesterday. Many more Monarchs than last year

Well, I went out looking for butterflies today.

Trigger warning... Sexually explicit photo of two Fritillaries having sex in public.

Formerlyjerseyjack said:
They were all over the field yesterday. Also Monarchs were in force yesterday. Many more Monarchs than last year

Glad to hear this because I haven't seen too many so far. Although one appeared to be laying eggs yesterday, so that is good.

I'm especially crazy for the very first photo of this thread.

Thanks for sharing - love them all.

I love the soaring bird with the wings spread. Great composition.

zet said:
I love the soaring bird with the wings spread. Great composition.

It is a Black Vulture. Being a vulture, they don't get much good press but they are still beautiful.

Vermont and New Jersey, August, 2015

Got some nice fluke shots there! And I don't mean that the shots were a fluke... wink

I love the baby porpoises and whale photos. We've whale watched several places and never seen the babies. Looks like it is time to try the Atlantic.

The research group uses photos of tails to identify whales. The markings and notches on tails are like fingerprints. They asked me to forward the photo of the juvenile for their records.

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