Asian Street Food

I can watch these videos all day.

Asia is a century ahead of us in street food technology.

Don't watch - go there and try it.

During the time that I had the Pacific Rim as sales territory, I had true street vendor food in Taipei & Singapore.  But, local business contacts took me to small local restaurants throughout the region (from Seoul & Tokyo down to Jakarta, and then out to Manila), which were far superior to the 'fancy' places mentioned in tourist guides.

Did you see that Netflix has a series on Asian Street food?  Caught one - it was pretty good - same producer as Chef's table.

I skipped around a little - the ice cream cone technology at the 20 minute mark is cool, but overall a bit lengthy to just watch.  Did you have a favorite section?

tomcat said:

Don't watch - go there and try it.

During the time that I had the Pacific Rim as sales territory, I had true street vendor food in Taipei & Singapore.  But, local business contacts took me to small local restaurants throughout the region (from Seoul & Tokyo down to Jakarta, and then out to Manila), which were far superior to the 'fancy' places mentioned in tourist guides.

 Sad to say I think my traveling days are over. I'll have to live this one vicariously.

This isn't necessarily street food, but it's a clever take on an egg sandwich

My favorite way to start the day in Beijing.

looks pretty good. what did she throw in at the very end? it was a big something or other.

It's true man. I had a chance to travel to ThaiLand and I must say the food of ThaiLand is very good. I hope I can travel to another country of Asia in the future

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