Arrr, ‘tis almost our most precious day! Aha!

Ahoy! ‘Tis almost th’ Day o’ th’ annual swashbucklin’ an’ merry-makin’ ashore fer all good Pirates an’ their kin! Aha! (19 Sept)
Yet alas an’ a lack, th’ seas here be lashed by terrible foul squalls that fair turn m’ship spinnin’ like a kiddy’s top - ‘twill take great skill indeed ter bring her about an’ safely head inta harbour  t’morrow fer th’ festivities.

Wher’er ye be celebration’, an’ wi’ whom, be ye happy, be ye safe an’ above all be ye a clever pirate, wot sings, drinks, plays ter win an’ sail anither day! Arrr!

- Mad Red Tess, Cap’n

Th’Aweful Buccaneer o’ Hell

Hmm, I just took in 3 kittens last night. Wondering if they need Pirate names.

Morganna said:

Hmm, I just took in 3 kittens last night. Wondering if they need Pirate names.

 The definitely need pirate names!!!!

Klinker said:

 The definitely need pirate names!!!!

 Hey Klinker! How is life in the frozen north? 

In keepin’ wi’ th’festive activities, m’crew thought ter practice a new kinda hornpipe - an’ then they saw this:

Morganna said:

Klinker said:

 The definitely need pirate names!!!!

 Hey Klinker! How is life in the frozen north? 

 We are in BC so it is more smokey than chilly.  In general, however, it is great.  The pandemic is controlled here to the point where we can do a lot of things that we probably wouldn't be able to do in the US.  Food is amazing.  People are super nice.  I've had time to reconnect with family that I haven't really hung out with in any sustained way since we were all kids.

That said, seeing what is happening in the US is just soul crushing.  People here fear that it will spill over into Canada. I fear for the friends and family that we left behind.  Arghhhh!!!! cheese

In honour of talkin' like a pirate, I remind you scurvy knaves of my panto, Arrr!

Ye may remember o' course that it premiered at the Burgdorf Centre for the Arrrrts in 2013.

Should you feel the impulse to part with a few doubloons and purchase a copy, you can get it from Amazon (catalogue number ASIN : B01HYOKT1Y), and from Barrrnes and Noble or your local online/ brick and mortarrrr bookshop with the ISBN 9781533333131. You can also get it from me directly if you're in the United States of Americarrr.
That's enough Arrrrrr-ing for now.

How do you say "Good Yom Tov" in Pirate?

STANV said:

How do you say "Good Yom Tov" in Pirate?

 Marrrrksierrrra wished us all Shanarrrr tovarrrr in his audio clip above  snake  rolleyes question

Todarrrr Rrrrabarrrr, Marrrrksierrrra! Yar! Twas good ter ‘ear from Crutchpitt’s leaky tub thet all is again proceedin’ in some kind o’good plan. Trust ole Crappy Jack!

An’ ahoy, @radiskull! Ye took yer fair time this year! Is all well?

- Mad Red Tess, Cap’n

Pirates do apologise on Yom Kipparrr.

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