Are you the parent of a 3 year old? Or will you be soon?

Yesterday I sat on a committee for a student's MS thesis proposal.

She is looking for participants between the ages of 36 and 48 months for a psychology study on how children learn. 

My daughter participated and found it to be a fun experiment. You can sign up to be contacted to make an appointment here even if your child is not yet 3- (or even if you have other aged children. This is just the present study but at other times other aged children are sought). 

On the page, there are also links to learn more about the research and lab members. Thanks for helping science!


You folks are so fast! I just heard from the student that there are 7 new responses and 2 appointments scheduled. Thank you!

Bumping this up again because I know my daycare is closed next Wednesday-Friday and perhaps yours is too. The grad student will be able to schedule appointments Wednesday 9-2 or all day Friday. (And lots of other dates/times too should you not be in the no daycare boat next week.)

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