anyone have success getting Rx from Canada or England via mail order

from a real pharmacy.  i found links to find actual legal/approved pharmacies (not the ones with a Canada address, but running out of India).

The person has very good insurance, but the med needed for post prostate surgery isn't covered.

Can a foreign pharmacy accept a US written RX via fax/mail/email and ship to the US?

jmitw said:

from a real pharmacy.  i found links to find actual legal/approved pharmacies (not the ones with a Canada address, but running out of India).

The person has very good insurance, but the med needed for post prostate surgery isn't covered.

Can a foreign pharmacy accept a US written RX via fax/mail/email and ship to the US?

Yes, I've used the Canadian pharmacy Northwest Pharmacy several times. I email a scanned copy of the the RX to them. The only hitch is that it can take a month or more to get the med (at least for the one I get) but I guess it depends on what you're ordering. Been using them for a few years now, no issues.

i just checked his med...its about half the price at Northwest as goodrx 

Yeah, my med is actually covered by my insurance, but poorly. Much cheaper from Northwest.

Did this for years -- thru my NYU MD.  Drug wasn't FDA approved then in U.S.  But MD called in RX to CA, then sent to me or I'd pick up at office (worked in the City then.)  Now it's approved & I get the generic here for cheap.  I'd always go thru MD, though.  Sometimes I need to get them involved to get ins. co. on board.

do you remember which CA pharmacy you used?  I found a list of numerous approved pharmacies, but to go through it 1 x 1 will take a long time.  If he can compare a few, that would be helpful.  His doc actually recommended going international, but didn't recommend a specific pharmacy.  One site said 95% are fake and actually based in India where the meds aren't safe.  Northwest appears to be one of the legit ones.

I'd press the MD for their recommendation.  They should have a recommendation or even better an existing relationship with an international pharmacy if they're directing people there.

Nothing is true, reliable or safe because you found it on the Internet.  The doctor should know.

Use Northwest, they're fine.

I didn't just find it online..i crossed referenced numerous sources including CIPA. There is actually a list of approved pharmacies put out by the Canadian government.

The one thing about Northwest is that they don't take credit cards. You have to give them your checking account information so they can do a direct withdrawal. I imagine you can send them a check instead.

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