Alternatives to FiOS in South Orange?

Are there any alternatives for HD TV and internet in South Orange?  According to the website, Xfinity is not available.


Get yerself some string and two tin cans and two buttons and...

Frankly, Cablevision has a better product that Comcast. However, we will see if that holds true after Altice gets done with it...

I do not understand at all why you do not want Fios? I have Fios and I
absolutely love it. I personally do not like cablevision at all. Fios is so much
better. You get so many more channels then cablevision ever offered. The
customer service is top notch. I also have Roku ready TV's. Maybe this is what
you would like.

MickeyMouse said:

I do not understand at all why you do not want Fios? I have Fios and I
absolutely love it. I personally do not like cablevision at all. Fios is so much
better. You get so many more channels then cablevision ever offered. The
customer service is top notch. I also have Roku ready TV's. Maybe this is what
you would like.

We have FIOS as well and all in all, we're happy with it. 

Long ago we had DirecTV and we loved it! Took it from B'klyn to Jersey. Unfortunately, we were unable continue with it when HD arrived. We have too many front and back trees for us to upgrade to HD so we went with FIOS. 

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