Able Baker review in NYT

Great review of the Able Baker in today's NYT.   

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I wanna share this so bad but I'm afraid there will be lines out the door on Saturday... 

jed said:

I wanna share this so bad but I'm afraid there will be lines out the door on Saturday... 


I'm very happy for them, but my first thought when I saw the headline was, "OK, great. Now I won't be able to get into Arturo's or Able Baker."

('Cuz it's really all about me, ya know?)

I refuse to fight the mobs in front of and inside of the Able Baker, so I always go to Palmer's. Happy for Able's great reviews though.

There's also Cedar Ridge.

Wish I could have a scone a day habit.  I love them, but I'm on a diet.  Before that I was having some Able Baker treats on Sundays with a pot of tea, after a huge breakfast with coffee at the Village Coffee Shop.  It's a good life here in Maplewood. 

Never been there or to Palmer's. They're always closed whenever I try. I guess I must always be trying on a Sunday afternoon, but still. Closing it 2PM?! 

How great! I knew they were doing very well and they do a nice job, but I didn't realize the business had grown quite so much. Congratulations to everyone involved and thanks for doing it in Maplewood!

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