4-6 Weeks for Alarm System Permit?

Is this normal? I was hoping to get the system installed within a week or two. Slomin's is saying Maplewood's application process is longer than most other towns.

What? What alarm system permit? I have ADT and we never got an alarm system permit.

Permit??? I didn't know about that, and neither did the company (local, good rep) mention it.

You actually do need a permit but it's not required for work to begin. You just need to provide notice and then take care of the permit and fees within 5 days. Burglar Alarms can be registered with the Maplewood Police Department by calling 973-762-3400 Ext. 7921. Please have your Alarm Company Contact information and Emergency Contact Information available

There is a False Alarm Ordinance in the Township of Maplewood which regulates the amount of false alarms per calendar year. It is imperative to make sure your alarm is in proper operating condition and your alarm company notifiies you when your alarm is activated.

Definately Metro. I never got a permit for my system either. After installation I assumed I would need to register my system with the PD and called like 3 times but never got a clear answer.

Maybe I'm just a scofflaw!

These systems are low voltage wired, when wired. Most today are wireless. My current system from Metro alarm is plugged into an outlet and all the rest is wireless, so I do not get it.

Unless, you have no source of AC to plug the base unit in. Then, if they contracted with you to install a 110 volt outlet for you, they would need an electrical permit.

I get those over the counter, same day, at Maplewood.

Something is wrong.

The UPS Store, George

Vacanculo said:

slomins is a scam

Based on what? We are very happy with our slomins alarm.

Sounds to me like he couldn't get around to doing the install for 4-6 weeks and didn't want you to go elsewhere.

They just installed a friend's system within a week In South Orange. This just happened a couple of weeks ago. I can't see them suddenly getting slammed with sales.

Yesterday I had the distinct displeasure of my car battery dying at the Millburn Mall. While I waited 1.5 hours for roadside assistance, the Slomin's guy was in his truck alternately eating, sleeping with his feet our the window, listening to music the entire time.

BabFab said:


Yes, it's part of the town ordinance.

Love our Slomin's system over here, too. Though it was here when we moved in, so we never heard about a permit issue.


It's a New Jersey state law that alarms be inspected by the town after they are installed. ADT not only installs the alarm
they also file the papers for the permits with the town. Then you must schedule an inspection. You also have to pay ADT back
the cost of the permit fee. The cost depends on what you have them install. It runs about $85 with basic ADT service.
I felt the $85 a bit high for the permit fee. The town sets the fee and I think NJ gets $2 out of it. The inspection is
very quick and simple.

Best regards,

I still see no ordinance requiring a permit on a security alarm, only that it be registered.

WildCadillac said:


It's a New Jersey state law that alarms be inspected by the town after they are installed.

Really? Please link the statute.

Because, where I live, we only have to register the alarm once a year. There is NO fee and NO inspection. Just a matter of filling out and submitting a form.


It's under the minor work code for Maplewood Township. See 4 iii

§ 5:23-2.17A Minor work

(a) The issuance of a permit shall not be required before minor work may proceed. The owner, or an architect or contractor acting on behalf of the owner, shall, however, provide notice of the work to the enforcing agency before work begins.
(b) Notice of work; application:
1. Notice of minor work shall be a personal or telephoned oral notice before work commences. This oral notice shall be provided to the enforcing agency between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. In those cases where the local enforcing agency is not open and available to receive notice at those times then notice shall be provided to the municipal clerk;
2. In addition to oral notice, the owner or his agent shall be required to file an application. The completed application with the fee shall be delivered in person or by mail to the enforcing agency, within five business days from the date of the oral notice.
(c) Minor work:
1. Minor work shall mean and include:
i. The construction or total replacement of any porch or stoop which does not provide structural support for any roof or portion of a building;
ii. Renovation or alteration work in an existing one or two-family dwelling, provided that no primary structural members are altered in any way, and further provided that the work does not constitute reconstruction; and
iii. The removal and replacement of more than 25 percent of the exterior siding of a one or two-family dwelling;
2. Minor work shall also mean and include the replacement of any existing plumbing piping work with new and approved material of like capacity; the installation of drinking fountains and condensate drains in existing structures; the replacement of existing low pressure hot water heaters with new ones of like capacity; and the new installation of lavatories, water closets, tubs, showers, washers or dishwashers, and garbage disposers in existing space of one and two-family dwellings where the new installation of additional fixtures can be accommodated with no increase in the size of the water distribution system, water service or house drain;
3. Minor work shall also mean and include new electrical work incidental to the installation of air conditioning, equipment, clothes dryers, and ranges or ovens in one and two-family dwellings; the installation of five or less 110 or 220 volt receptacles or fixtures where existing circuits and/or available space circuits and service are adequate to support the load; the replacement of existing wiring with new wiring of the same capacity provided that the new wiring shall be of a type approved for the use by the code;
4. Minor work shall also mean and include the following:
i. The installation of any fire detection or suppression device in any one-or two-family dwelling;
ii. The installation of a radon mitigation system in an existing one-or two-family dwelling;
iii. The installation of a burglar alarm or security system in any structure;
iv. The installation of communications wiring in any Class 1 or Class 2 structure or any Class 3 structure involving the penetration of a fire-resistance rated assembly.
(1) For the purposes of applying this provision, communications wiring shall mean any wiring covered by Chapter 8 of the electrical subcode. Communications wiring shall also include data circuits between computers/information technology equipment, which may be classified as “communications circuits," in accordance with Article 725 of the electrical subcode;
5. Minor work shall not include lead abatement.
6. Minor work on elevator devices shall also mean and include work as outlined in N.J.A.C. 5:23-12.8(b) and not involving any structural modification to a building.
(d) Inspection of minor work:
1. Inspections shall be required for minor work and the enforcing agency shall inspect any such work within 30 days of the request for inspection;
2. The construction official shall issue a certificate of approval stating that the work performed under a Minor Work Permit substantially complies with the UCC. The inspection shall be based upon what is visible at the time of said inspection and the certificate of approval shall so indicate.

Interesting. I can't think of anyone I know who has had minor work done such as described above and gotten a permit for it.

WildCadillac said:


It's a New Jersey state law that alarms be inspected by the town after they are installed. ADT not only installs the alarm
they also file the papers for the permits with the town. Then you must schedule an inspection. You also have to pay ADT back
the cost of the permit fee. The cost depends on what you have them install. It runs about $85 with basic ADT service.
I felt the $85 a bit high for the permit fee. The town sets the fee and I think NJ gets $2 out of it. The inspection is
very quick and simple.

Best regards,

ADT installed an alarm in my house, didn't get a permit, didn't tell me to get a permit and didn't charge me for a permit.

ctrzaska said:

I still see no ordinance requiring a permit on a security alarm, only that it be registered.

There sure is a state law. I would not be willing to pay the FEE unless it was LAW. The fee in 2011 $80.00 to Maplewood
$1 to NJ. The $80. was for the electrical inspection even though it's a low voltage system.

I can't link it but the state statute is NEW JERSEY ADMINISTRATIVE CODE 5:23-2.17 A(c). This is to verify the system complies with
UCC building code and electrical sub-code.

It's all required by law. When ADT told me I had to have the inspection I called MPW building dept and was told I had to
have an inspection. And the fee was based on the cost and features. I only have the alarm but if you add fire, flood alarm
it costs more. ADT handled the whole process of obtaining the permit. I just had to schedule the inspection.

Oldstone said:

WildCadillac said:


It's a New Jersey state law that alarms be inspected by the town after they are installed. ADT not only installs the alarm
they also file the papers for the permits with the town. Then you must schedule an inspection. You also have to pay ADT back
the cost of the permit fee. The cost depends on what you have them install. It runs about $85 with basic ADT service.
I felt the $85 a bit high for the permit fee. The town sets the fee and I think NJ gets $2 out of it. The inspection is
very quick and simple.

Best regards,

ADT installed an alarm in my house, didn't get a permit, didn't tell me to get a permit and didn't charge me for a permit.

Let's say you got lucky or maybe the law was no enforced or did not exist at the time. I don't know how old the law is

BG9 said:

WildCadillac said:


It's a New Jersey state law that alarms be inspected by the town after they are installed.

Really? Please link the statute.

Because, where I live, we only have to register the alarm once a year. There is NO fee and NO inspection. Just a matter of filling out and submitting a form.


Every year. Makes no sense. For a business I believe so.

Maybe it depends on the type of alarm system installed. I have an alarm system that's plugged into a regular outlet in the wall and the remaining parts are wireless with batteries and stuck on with the equivalent of poster stickers. I don't see how an electrical inspection would be required for that.

Now for the alarm system installation as pointed out by Metalart, it definitely seems like you need a permit from the township but in my case, that ship has sailed because it was installed 24 months ago.

From Maplewood's official town website. Though the word "permit" isn't used in the body of the text, it is used in the header.


ceidefields said:

Maybe it depends on the type of alarm system installed. I have an alarm system that's plugged into a regular outlet in the wall and the remaining parts are wireless with batteries and stuck on with the equivalent of poster stickers. I don't see how an electrical inspection would be required for that.

Now for the alarm system installation as pointed out by Metalart, it definitely seems like you need a permit from the township but in my case, that ship has sailed because it was installed 24 months ago.

Except for the transformer plugged into the already existing 110 volt outlet mine is low voltage and all wireless

The inspector just looks it over casually and that's it. But I had to call ADT and have them put the system in test mode
for the inspection.

We have Slomins for years its a great alarm system and service. We are very happy.

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